Saliagu - Info links is just another way to monetize your blog. They have a easy walk through where by you can fill their form with few fields and you get the code to add to your blogger HTML. Info links is generally in-text advertisement program where some links are setup automatically in your post content. And you get paid when someone clicks on it. Its similar to Google Adsense.
So lets get started and see how we can add Infolinks to our blogger blog.
Step 1:
Go to
Once you fill up the form you would be taken to the page with your code that you need to place in your HTML. Go to Design >> Edit HTML and find (Ctrl + F) for the following code :
And place the code from Infolinks just below the code above. Now click Save template. Thats all ! now you would see info links ads appearing in your post body.
Though just for a short contrast with Google Adsense, Info links have a low eCPM than Adsense.
But still its a good combination with Adsense for monetizing your blog.
Happy Earning!